
Scissors Paper Rock

Scissors Paper Rock

HTML, CSS, Javascript - It's a computer version of the nostalagic game Scissors Paper Rock we all used to play in our childhood.


Snake Game

HTML, CSS, Javascript Its a snake game, makes me remember the iconic nokia game.



HTML, CSS, & Javascript - Tic-Tac-Toe is a computer v/s you game.



HTML, CSS, Javascript - Calculator purely built with Html, CSS and JS.


HTML, CSS, Javascript Contains many of my recent practice projects of 100Devs and Freecodecamp

Card Game

Html, CSS, Javascript, API - Card game using API.

Blog Posts

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Networking in Tech

Hashnode Article - What is Networking? How should I start, let's get answer of all such question.

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What is Blog?

Hashnode Article - In the ever-evolving world of technology, blog helps in sharing what we are learning.